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Writer's pictureAlexander Stuck

Sherman Transmission Sources

I am restoring a TE 20 and I am looking to find a Sherman transmission with an eye to saving Petrol which costs about $2.50 per liter. Can you help me find a Sherman transmission to put on my tractor? I read an article on that described the differences between Shernan transmissions for Ford and Ferguson tractors.

I am aware of this website and yes, they do an excellent job detailing the Sherman and other auxiliary transmissions. The Over and Under transmissions for Fergusons are a rather scarse item but they do show up on places like ebay and Craig’s List. Keep in mind there are numerous listings for Craig’s List as they do them regionally so you may want to check Craig’s List for Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Wisconsin, etc.

There is also the matter of items not be accurately described in these listings. I’ve seen many of the units described as being for Ferguson’s when they were clearly the Ford version and units that were described as being for Fords actually being the Ferguson unit. Of course you can use a unit designed to fit a Ferguson in a Ford but you cannot used the over/under drive unit designed for a Ford in a Ferguson unless you disconnect the gear shift operated starter linkage.

The bottom line is don’t take any of these descriptions at face value, ask for pictures and compare them with the ones on the website. You can install the Ford version in a Ferguson if you are willing to give up the gear shift starter but I don’t recommend that for safety reasons. When they do that they install either a dash mounted starter button like the ones on the early Ford 9N or a solenoid switch with a push button.

The Sherman OVERDRIVE transmission will fit the Ferguson TE-20, TEA-20, TO-20 and TO-30. If you are just interested in increasing your speed on the road you can get by with the Sherman Overdrive. The overdrive transmissions are much easier to locate and less expensive and the same unit will fit both the Ford and Ferguson.

Some other options would be the Hupp over/under drive and the F&T overdrive. Both of these units will fit either the Ford or the Ferguson. As I’m sure you are aware, you can get rebuild kits for the either the Sherman over/under or the overdrive from the guys at the website you found. They also sell parts for these transmissions and rebuilt or used transmissions. I’ll let you know if I see any of these transmissions for sale.

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