I have a 1957 TO-35. My hydraulics work well but I have noticed lately that I have to move the hydraulic lever farther up the quadrant before lifting starts. I even moved the stop farther to gain some movement space. Is there a specific reason for this and are there any easy adjustments to make that can be done either externally or by removing the dipstick cover?
I just did an article for Ferguson Furrows on how to do some simple external checks and adjustments to the hydraulic system on these tractors. The article was in issue 60, March 2013. It is possible the position you have the outer draft control lever in is effecting the point at which lifting starts. If you look at the marks on the quadrant you should see an area marked “Position Control”. If you place the outside lever in that range or position, the lift point for the other lever should be consistent.There are however some internal adjustments that can effect the system operation and controls. Read the article and go through the adjustments and let me know if that helps.