I have a Carter Carb. on my Fergie and I don’t see a rebuild kit listed for that. There are 2 numbers on the carb, one on the manifold flange 0834 and one on the bowl area on the body of the carb. 0985. I cant read any numbers on the tag. Do you know of a number for this carb. and if I can get a complete kit? June 13, 2014
There are three different Carter carburetors used on Fergusons, they are the UT 997S – 2709 S, the UT 2418 S, the UT 2223 S – 2402 S, and the UT 2612 S. I am not sure which carburetor you have so I am sending you copies of the service bulletins outlining the repair procedure and the parts used on each of the carburetors.
Some of the parts are common to more than one Carter carburetor. Sadly parts for all of these Carter carburetors are nearly impossible to find. Some of the carburetors are similar to carburetors used on the Farmall A, B, C, 100, 130, 200, 230. There are only two kits available that I am aware of and if you are lucky they will have the float valve assembly and throttle shaft you can use to repair your carburetor.
I have been working with Steiner Tractor Parts to develop kits for these Ferguson carburetors but so far we have nothing ready for sale. I do have some parts in my personal collection that I would consider selling. I should at least be able to send you a photo copy of the main body gasket which you can use to make a new gasket if your old one is not in good enough condition to use as a pattern. Once we determine which carburetor you have and what parts you need, I can check to see if I have the parts you need.
I did an article for Ferguson Furrows a couple of years back on these carburetors and I believe you can still get a copy of that issue if you don’t have it from our editor Judy Kitson. I will also attach a copy of the parts list for the parts for each of these carburetors. If you are unable to find the parts needed to repair your Carter carburetor you can replace it with a new, used or rebuilt Marvel Schebler carburetor. Once I know which carburetor you have, and the tractor you have I can give you the part number for the correct Marvel Schebler carburetor.
Stevens Tractor Parts sells Tisco kit BK201V for around $21 which has parts for the UT 2223 S and UT 2418 S carburetors. Steiner Tractor Parts sells kit number ABC 1387 for around $45 which has parts for the UT, UT 2612 S and the UT 2418 S carburetors. The kit may also have parts for the UT 2223 S and UT 2418 S. Five of the six carburetors use the same throttle shaft and needle and seat assembly. The UT 2612 S which is MF # 184 458 M91 uses a different needle and seat and a different throttle shaft.