Can you tell me what the square, “C” shaped bracket bolted to the left rear tail lamp of my F-40 is? I have several of those brackets off of different tractors and have no clue as to what their purpose is. June 20, 2015.
The square, C shaped bracket attached to the left tail-light bracket is a mounting bracket for a Slow Moving Vehicle, SMV sign mounted on a pole. The pole can be raised and lowered as needed to be seen. The thumb screw on the bracket holds the sign pole in position. The slow moving vehicle signs, and various mounting brackets can usually be found in farm stores and in catalogs under tractor accessories. See the link below.
The brackets to attach the headlights to the front of the fenders were sold in a Massey Ferguson accessory kit along with the visors for the headlights. These kits allowed you to move the headlights from the sides of the front of the hood to the rear fenders. Front, hood mounted headlights normally have to be removed when a loader is installed. The Ferguson 40 was also available with fender mounted headlights but those headlights were small in diameter and used different mounting brackets. If you are not going to install a loader on this tractor you may want to move the headlights back to the original mounting position on the sides of the hood. The visors on the headlights should also be removed if you move them to the original position.